World of Warcraft Guide & A Guide to Battle for Azeroth

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The dangers of the nathrezim and the evil of the Burning Legion reach all corners of the world. Beware! They're everywhere, watching and waiting for opportunity!

An entity of unknown origin, the nathrezim were created by demons and first attacked the human population of Lordaeron before being called back by their creator, Archimonde. Archimonde allowed them to take over the Burning Legion's souls for their own purposes, the most recent of which is to sow chaos in the world.

The Druid class is a swift, elegant hunter, with a myriad of incredible abilities that force enemies to choose between survival and glory.

If you've seen them come together in World of Warcraft, you know how powerful a druid can be. An ordinary Hunter can walk into combat at the drop of a hat, rushing forward and striking down what it sees as an obstacle before advancing toward the kill. On the other hand, a skilled druid is one with the ecology and uses her senses to spot weak spots and weaknesses in enemies, leaving her foes in a state of perpetual danger. Druidic magic brings these two powerful sides together for intense, fluid combat, by the way, if you need to Buy WoW Classic Gold, it is recommended that you go to to buy, there are excellent services.


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