What to do about the conflict between old and new players caused by the same division of Anchor and Blackwing in the classic World of Warcraft game?

 World of Warcraft classic game has now come to the ankhira stage, with the version of the update players have a new copy to experience is a good thing, but many guilds DKP group instead with the new version of the collapse. The new copy of TAQ is relatively more difficult to spend more time, resulting in many DKP group want to group people will not be able to get together to activities, in order to maintain team activity will have to regroup some new people to supplement the team, but the former head of the old players in order to attract participation, often will TAQ score in the BWL based on the accumulation, which leads to newcomers to get equipment is very troublesome, so That's how some conflicts arise.

Let's start with a player's personal experience as a primer on what can actually go wrong

This player joined a DKP group at the end of August as a newcomer, and as a mage without a Nai Tear, was very keen to get the staff that was traded for the emblem of the Emperor of Khira. This is the first time I've ever been to a DKP group, and I'm not sure if I've ever been to a DKP group before. He brought this up in the guild, and complained that the chairman had forced the two copies together in order to make a copy for the group. Afterwards, although the chairman kicked the mage who got the staff out of the guild according to the guild rules, the kicked mage was not only not a bit ashamed, but he thought that he was not at fault. And during the whole incident, no one stood up for him, instead, someone said that he shouldn't question the chairman's painstaking efforts to merge the two subbenches. He felt that he couldn't fit in with the team, so he withdrew from the group and the guild.

There were two focal points of conflict that could be seen in the whole thing, one was that the priest used DKP to shoot equipment for the other players; the other was that the chairman forced BWL and TAQ DKP to be counted equally in order for the team to be able to make more copies. It's safe to say that both of these were very controversial practices.

DKP group, how should the conflict between old and new players be handled?

The first thing to say is that in DKP group generation auction, this is the biggest taboo of all guild groups.DKP is the equivalent of circulating within each team, which is also the biggest difference with the gold group pass as the equivalent of wow gold classic. If you want buy gold wow classic, i think you could go to lootwowgold.com. Originally each player would have been able to get their own certain amount of DKP, on the basis that if a player participated in the activity, they would have a chance to get the equipment they wanted, but if the generation auction was allowed, it must mean that there was a small group that could help each other out with the bidding. So instead of everyone competing in their own DKP, there will be a small group of individuals competing in the same DKP, so there's no doubt that some of the best gear will be lost to the individuals, or at least until the group has gotten the best they want before the other players have a chance to get it again. And this time would probably be a few more months or no chance at all, which would be very unfair to the others. And as long as such a small group exists, the team is not destined to go far.

Let's go back to the issue of co-counting different team copies of DKP. Players familiar with the classic World of Warcraft game will know that every major version update, there is bound to be a certain amount of adjustment of team members, and especially after the opening of the version of Angela, many teams will even replace ten people or just a few teams to merge. The original group members changed so much, which means it's a new start, everyone should DKP is the same starting point, but now also allows the previous BWL DKP is also counted in, then it is someone who started out one step ahead of the starting line, it also means that take equipment these players can be more advantageous. At the same time, high scores also bring inertia, making many players even less likely to go to lower level copies, but for those who want to go to a copy but can't make it, so this invariably brings controversy again.

So, the editor suggests that all the still insist on the guild DKP group, in order to avoid the contradictions that may be encountered above, the head must do adhere to the principle, can not tolerate the "old players" in order to get equipment and the behavior of the generation beat, light penalty points, heavy dismissal, this kind of boldness is a must, after all, the generation beat is very easy to lead to the disintegration of the guild; and the two copies of the DKP to merge from the fair. It's a good idea to try not to do so, as it will have an impact on the integration of the "new players". A team wants to go farther, the old and new players must understand each other, we come together for a common purpose, but also need to come up with their own attitude to the copy and other players. Guys, what do you think?


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