World of Warcraft Guide: Burning Crusade

Cipher is an arcane technician who once served under Admiral Abbendis. He now works for Gul'dan, who has taken over from Alonsus Faol in his role as Krasus. His full title is Cipher, Senior Research Scientist of Alterac Valley. He is the primary antagonist of the Depths of Shadow raid in Blackwing Descent.

World of Warcraft we experienced the transition to a persistent online game. We'll be talking more about how the D&D game engine was enhanced and added to to achieve this transition in our most recent episode.

At the Mor Gilblin, The Zandalari have carved a River of Death through the forest. Minions led by Grom Hellscream and his Shattered Hand clans, led by a powerful warlock named Zuldazar, have flooded the river to secure the passage of their army to the Black Morass.

The elementals of the River of Death have not been seen since the demonic onslaught, but Gul'dan is aware of the danger posed by the powerful warlocks, and is preparing an even deadlier death curse to befall the vulnerable inhabitants of the River of Death.

Forgotten Ones The Burning Crusade Guide: The Legion

This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

The Deathlord's Story

There are six deep cave-dwelling creatures. Each of the six has a unique spell that they cast on their foes to drain them of their life.

Twilight Pod - Spawns a 2 minute silence on a random raid member, and then comes back to life.

Apsalar - Prays for the first few seconds of the 10 minute cooldown and then gives priority to each target within 12 yards.


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